To empower every local church and pastor to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ into all the world
through an innovative, cost-effective, and easy-to-use digital platform, that facilitates
and accelerates every moment a church needs to move forward.

The Heart behind Avance

We believe the local church is the hope of the world and the mission of the church is the most
important mission in the world. So besides building an awesome app that facilitates and
accelerates every moment a church needs to move forward, we also exist to help start churches
and provide Bibles where there are none. A big chunk of our revenue is used to fund this mission.

There are some key moments that move a church forward. These are the moments we want to facilitate and accelerate.

“I know that pastors don’t need another database they have to keep updating or another complicated management system their members will never use. So that’s why we built Avance. Avance is simple, it’s easy to use and it is unique, it puts the church in the hands of your people and empowers them to move your church forward.”

– Pastor Wayne Sandeman (Founder)

Our Values

Seek to understand

In order to remain a product that is relevant and meeting the felt needs of every church our ears and hearts are continually open to learning and understanding what every church needs.

Be trustworthy

We desire to be a company that churches can depend on.

Exceed expectations

In every way we want to deliver more than what is common or expected.

Always innovate

We make space to creatively imagine how everything can be better.

Make everything simple & quick (slick)

Because life is complicated enough, and the kingdom must advance, we want to be a company that makes church processes slick.

In order to remain a product that is relevant and meeting the felt needs of every church our ears and hearts are continually open to learning and understanding what every church needs.

We desire to be a company that churches can depend on.

In every way we want to deliver more than what is common or expected.

We make space to creatively imagine how everything can be better.

Because life is complicated enough, and the kingdom must advance, we want to be a company that makes church processes slick.